18 Questions to Ask Your Partner to Get to Know Them Better

questions to ask your partner to get to know them better


18 Questions to Ask Your Partner to Get to Know Them Better


18 questions to ask your partner to get to know them better are a lot of questions.  But they are definitely important to the both of you.  When we’re in a relationship, we sometimes think we know everything about our partner. But it’s easy to get into a routine and have the same conversations every day. Change it up with these questions to get to know each other even better.

When it comes to getting to know your romantic partner, asking questions is an essential part of the process. Not only will these questions help deepen your understanding of each other, but they can foster meaningful conversations and provide an opportunity for both parties to feel heard and understood. It’s important to remember, however, that the questions you ask should not be one-sided. Rather, it is equally important to listen attentively when your partner responds and respond thoughtfully in kind.


What should people know about one another before getting married?

What do I do that makes you smile?

What is the best or worst trait you got from your parents?

What makes you sentimental

Who was your first crush on? Why? How old were you?

Is there a dream you have that you want to achieve?

What three things would you like to be remembered for?

What is something you’ve always wanted to do but are too afraid to try?

What gives you butterflies?

Do you think arguing is good or bad for relationships?

What do I do that comforts you most? What aggravates you the most?

Where is your favorite place to be with me?

What’s one thing about our relationship that is lacking?

What’s one secret you’ve wanted to tell me, but haven’t?

What do I mean to you?

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

What are your goals for our relationship?

How do you see our future together?

What are you hoping to achieve this year?


And be sure to be ready to answer these questions too, so your partner can get to know you better.  This list would be a good one for an intimate Valentines Day dinner. Or perhaps you could answer these questions throughout February.  It would be best to review and discuss each answer in some depth.  That way the answers to these admittedly deep dives can be thoroughly considered.



Going Forward Together


In conclusion, learning more about your romantic partner is an important part of any successful relationship. Asking the right questions can help you gain a better understanding of their hopes, dreams, and values. Open-ended questions which require more than a yes or no answer are particularly effective for deepening understanding and connection.

Take the time to ask these important questions and listen carefully to your partner’s answers. Be sure to ask questions that will give you a clear understanding.   Also, follow up on topics that interest your partner. This will help foster a stronger connection between the two of you.

It is also beneficial to be mindful of the level of personal information shared, so as not to overwhelm either party. With a bit of practice, you can create meaningful conversations with your romantic partner that spark positive connections and foster intimacy.  Ultimately, this kind of honest communication and self-reflection can make for an even healthier and more fulfilling relationship in the long run.



Please Click Here for our article “Expressing Your Feelings to Someone You Love” .  You and your partner should read this before tackling this expressive and listening exercise.

Click here for Bebestu.com section of articles on Expressing Feelings.  These are comprehensive and quick reads to help people understand the pitfalls and best practices of expressing feelings.  Both of you should read these articles prior to your 18 questions articles.










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